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What are cities doing to enable all people in their cities thrive not just survive?

Top 5 Most Liveable Cities in the World

  1. Tokyo
  2. Berlin
  3. Vienna
  4. Copenhagen
  5. Munich

Source: 2016 Monocle Quality of Life Survey

The idea of a ‘liveable city’ is complex and constantly evolving. According to Monacle Magazine, liveable cities are based on indicators such as unemployment rates, ease of commute, connectivity, housing affordability and safety, as well as specific attributes, such as number of bookshops and museums, quality of food, drink and retail, whether the cities are dog-friendly, and the average ambulance response time.

Liveability is about urban environments that celebrate the diversity within our communities and ensure that every single person has an equitable access to experiences that nurture their well-being. To me, this is not just about social justice, this is about cities nurturing their citizens so that they are able to actively engage in a city's future; be it pedestrian friendly streets, bike lanes, public spaces, community programs, or public transport systems.

I aim to visit the world’s most liveable cities to get a first hand perspective on why they have ranked so high, as well as visit those considered not-so-liveable to understand potential lessons to be learnt. Melbourne and Sydney have managed to crack the top 10, but it would be interesting to see what these other cities are doing better!